NYC Snack Attack

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Oldies but Goodies

Sometimes a snack writer needs to give her gut a break, so I thought I'd put up some "oldies but goodies," food columns from when I first started Snack Attack at the West Side Spirit. It was a wonderfully fun gig, eating snacks and writing them up in 200 word columns every week for four years. The discipline of the 200 word count is something I miss now that I've moved online. I am prone to ramble (have you noticed?). It's hard for me to be concise. I intend to write a friend an email note but end up writing a multi-paragraph long epistle. Texts to my kids have been known to fill the entire screen. I gained a lovely pen pal through the Month of Letters, and I send her eight page letters that I write in as little as twenty minutes. This is not a good thing. As Mark Twain said, "If I had more time I'd write you a shorter letter." So for today's post I'll try--I'll really, really try--to keep it brief. 

Looking through the big plastic file of folded newsprint columns (alas, no longer available online except strewn with weird symbols), I found some snacks that are still going strong. Among these are Hot Bread Kitchen's Moroccan m'smen bread (now $3.00), which will be highlighted in future perfect sandwich posts.  I'm pleased to say I don't have to travel to the Upper East Side to enjoy a square slice at Farinella Pizza (now $8+), which now has three locations, one in the West 70s. Looking back at the faded columns, I was dismayed to see I'd unconsciously cribbed a post title from a column on Don Filippo's Teeny Weeny Panini when I recently wrote about Sant Ambroeus. Oh well, it was a good title, and Don FIlippo's panini are even teenier (and cheaper at $1.75 for interesting eggplant/shrimp panini or traditional chicken parm).  And finally, nothing beats the chicken kebab sandwich at Mamoun's falafel, perfect treat (just $6.50) after a theater event in Greenwich Village. See you next week with something new!